5 Tips to Increase Facebook Ad Engagement

As one of the most used social media platforms, Facebook is an excellent hub for marketing products and services. It might seem scary to compete against so many brands, but there are few techniques that you can take into account.

And one thing you need to consider is Facebook Engagement. The way users interact with your brand and engage with your posts is exceptionally crucial. Be it likes, comments, shares, or tagging your brand in a post, Facebook engagement can extend your organic reach.

Not only will the engagement enhance your brand’s placement on the newsfeed, but it will also expose your posts to the audience. Plus, engagement indicates your audience trusts your brand and prefers it. This is why Facebook engagement is what you should aim for. In the following blog, we will outline 5 tips, outlining how to increase your Facebook Ad engagement. So stick with us and read on:

1.      Find the perfect ad schedule


Unless you post consistently and that too, at the right time, you won’t be able to show your posts to the target audience. The Facebook algorithm considers “when was this posted” when ranking the content on the newsfeed. And Facebook itself has outlined that your brand can see more engagement when the fans are online.

To see whether your audience is active or not, you can view Page Insights by:

  • Clicking the insights at the top

  • Clicking posts in the left column

  • Clicking to see when the fans are online

Times are displayed in the local time size. This is why if your fans seem to be active mostly at midnight, they are likely to be in a different time zone. However, you don’t have to be awake at night for posting at the time when your target audience is active. Instead, you can schedule Facebook posts.

In deciding the right time to post, you should also analyze the past post engagement. If the time when you post is not producing any efficient results, then you should choose another time. For this purpose, you can use a Facebook scheduling tool for planning your social media calendar days and weeks in advance. In this way, you won’t forget to post and have the flexibility to post at different times.

2.      Avoid Ad Fatigue


Your target audience can see your advertisements over and over again. However, if your ad gets displayed more than often, your audience might simply get annoyed. This can cause ad fatigue. However, you can also not reduce the frequency of these ads, as it will not give you the right exposure.

Therefore, you need to determine what is the best frequency for Facebook ads. One way to do it is using a Line Graph by which you can determine when the engagement increased or decreased. This ensures that you can capitalize on your success and find the causes for the poor performance.

You can also track post engagement through different metrics like Impressions, Amount Spent, and Link Clicks, etc., allowing you to have a thorough overview of how the campaign is performing. This is because all of this data is associated with each other. One element might influence another.

Engagement bait does not work always 

When you are trying to engage more audience, you might be tempted to request likes and shares. However, it is better not to take this path. This is because Facebook recognizes engagement bait, which can result in penalization and down-rank your posts. Obviously, you can ask for opinions and feedback but asking for comments and likes that are probably not genuine may only degrade your efforts. 

So what can you do about ad frequency?

It is recommended that you have an appropriate ad frequency to prevent negative Facebook advertising engagement, whether it is greater or lower than the required frequency. This can be done by scheduling our ad to show for an appropriate number. For example, you can schedule your ad to run for a short time, such as three days. While keeping your marketing budget is the same, you can extend the schedule of your ads to two weeks or more. In this way, the number of times the ad appears will be limited.

How should you strategize your ads?

The way your ads are strategized should be in accordance with the preferences of your target audience. This is because content relevancy is exceptionally crucial. So when you are creating ads, you need to ensure that they are in line with their preferences. When the audience finds the ad to be relevant, they are more likely to interact with them.

Instead of just talking about what your business can do, you should also address the issue your product and service resolves. To determine what your audience wants, you need to conduct extensive customer research and refine your understanding.

You can also create Facebook ads with numerous ad sets. People engage with content that already has substantial social proof and engagement. When there is more engagement on one post, it can create social proof but also improve the ad rating in Facebook’s auction process.

3.      Know your audience 


Without knowing your target market, you cannot create relevant content. When you are particularly seeking engagement, you need to know what your audience wants and expects from your brand.

And it’s quite challenging to exactly pinpoint what the audience needs. Nonetheless, Facebook Page Insights is a very good tool to provide ample information regarding your audience. By studying this data, you can understand the behaviors and preferences of your audience to create more meaningful connections with your fans.

Providing information is not enough

Most brands only focus on imparting information when building their content. However, you cannot engage your Facebook audience if you cannot garner their attention. There should be something to inspire, motivate, and inform them. 

Firstly, you should have a clear idea of who your target audience is. You should also focus on understanding who is excluded from your target audience. The better you understand the target group, the better you will be in engaging it. 

Respond to your customers

When someone comments on your post, try responding to it as soon as possible. No user wants to get ignored, especially when they have asked a relevant question regarding the brand. In other words, anyone who engages with your brand wants you to engage in return as well. 

Your social media team can handle this job and respond to all the comments. What you comment back depends upon the comment of the user. Sometimes you can post just a GIF to acknowledge the comment. In other cases, you might have to give more information in the inbox. 

In case you use Facebook Messenger for the business, you can get the badge of “Very responsive.” This will show your users that you respond very quickly to the questions and concerns of the customers. 

Inspire people to engage with your content

Instead of baiting people to like and comment on your posts, you should inspire them to engage with the content. This can be done by appealing to your followers’ emotions. Posts that evoke positive emotions are more viral. But even the posts causing negative emotions are viral, although they create a sense of surprise. Instead, content that is associated with interest, amazement, astonishment, curiosity, and uncertainty is more likely to be viral.

4.      Focus on creating engaging ad copy

As people come across tons of content every day, unique and top-notch content is required to hook their attention. Therefore, try coming up with unique content. However, if you are out of ideas, you can rely on content curation to share informative content.


You don’t have to come up with something out-of-the-box every time. Instead, you can keep things simple by using a consistent color scheme, good pictures, and top-notch content. Here are some more ways to create an engaging ad copy:

Tell a story

The audience not only wants an incentive, but they also need you to tell why your product and services can solve their issues.

Be personable

Try connecting with people on an individual level by creating personable and relatable content.

Have urgency

Your ad copy should stop people from scrolling and focus on your content. This can be done by addressing end-users’ wants.

5.      Test your ads


Instead of sticking to one type of ad copy, there is nothing wrong with experimenting and bringing variations in the content. By showing different ads to the same target audience, you can identify what works and what doesn’t in terms of engagement.

Testing your strategies is extremely crucial to ensure you are working in the right direction. What works for one brand might not work for another. For instance, a particular meme is being used by many brands to promote their services, and it has increased their engagement. The same would not necessarily happen for your brand.

The Final Takeaway

Creating engagement through posts is crucial to stand out on Facebook. People come across hundreds of posts every day. You should provide them with some sort of incentive in return for engaging with your content. However, if you still aren’t receiving a good response, there are other ways to expand the reach of your products and services. For example, blogger outreach has been working for a lot of businesses. Facebook ads are just the beginning of trying to reach your market.