What Are PBN Backlinks And Why Are They Bad For Your SEO Efforts?

What Are PBN Backlinks And Why Are They Bad For Your SEO Efforts?

For people that are new to SEO you might have never heard of a PBN (private blog network) backlink which is probably a good thing because you don’t want to get involved with this backlinking black hat tactic but you should at least know what they are and how to avoid PBN backlinks. In this article, we are going to explain what they are, how they are used, why they are bad for SEO, and how to avoid them because they could kill your SEO efforts if Google ever finds out you use this type of network.

Top SEO Platforms That SEO Experts Use

Top SEO Platforms That SEO Experts Use

Working in the SEO field for over a decade I have worked with hundreds of SEO platforms. Because I don’t have time to use all those platforms I now only use a handful to analyze and assist my SEO efforts. In my opinion, without these SEO platforms, you cant audit a website to find issues or research keyword topics without these SEO tools which are now industry standards. The great thing about these SEO platforms is they can be used by experts and beginners. However, the experts will be able to use more sophisticated features that will help you analyze data better.

Things That Can Kill Your SEO and How To Fix Them

Things That Can Kill Your SEO and How To Fix Them

SEO is a complex strategy and if you do it right you will have great online success. However, there is a lot of information out there on the right a wrong ways of doing SEO, and a lot of the people that are writing the SEO content are not experts so they will steer you in the wrong direction unintentionally. This is why I wanted to make a list of the most common ways to kill your SEO so you can avoid them.

4 Questions On Whether Your Small Business Is Ready For SEO

4 Questions On Whether Your Small Business Is Ready For SEO

This is a question I get a lot from small businesses because it is a hard question to ask without know a few key questions. This is a complex question because it depends on many things such as budget, time, resources, audience, and how quickly you want to grow. Once we narrow down your business situation and needs, we can decide what is best for you and your business.