Advantages of the Google Webmaster Tool

The google webmaster tool has come a long way. Previously it was a useless tool that you can use to verify your website and see different errors. Now it is essential for your business to have and can also help you rank better.

Since I have been using it for all my clients there ranking went up 120%. Just verifying your website on the google webmaster tool is not enough. Below is six step process you can do when you first start using the webmaster tool.

Google has been adding more features and value to the webmaster to so more people and businesses use it. Even though it seems like another thing you need to verify with google it is now becoming more and more important. You will see your website ranking and traffic go up if you use it correctly and it can tell you some mistakes you are making as well.

2015 Ranking Factors for All Search Engines

2015 Ranking Factors for All Search Engines

Every year the search engines update once or twice and change the entire algorithm on how websites will be ranked. For people in the digital marketing industry this makes our job extremely hard and also increases search engines revenue because people end up relying on adwords because the search engines are to unpredictable. 

Bings Search Results will have Yelp Reviews

Bings Search Results will have Yelp Reviews

Reviews on search engines has become more popular then ever. The Bing search engine is now displaying Yelp reviews of restaurants or businesses when you search "(business name) reviews." This will make businesses more concerned then ever that their reviews must be good or they could lose business.