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The Power of Digital Marketing in 2022

The future of digital marketing is bright. In the last decade, digital marketing techniques have evolved a lot. The landscape of digital marketing has changed frequently, and hence it is unpredictable what digital marketing will offer in the near term. No doubt, there are ample opportunities available. In the past two years, we have seen technological changes and we have seen how influencer marketing and social media matured. These channels are viable and powerful. If someone asks you, is there any future in digital marketing? Tell them there are ample opportunities available. They need to pick the one which is suitable for you.

Currently, few trends in the industry show the power of digital marketing, and content marketing is one of those trends. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, every start-up founder considered social media ads as the first preference for growing business, but now, they have double the content marketing budget as before. Google said content marketing is the best strategy to rank a business product or service page for buyer search results. The researchers said that almost two-thirds of marketers had increased their budget for content marketing for 2022, and one out of five increased to double.

After content marketing, AI-generated content becomes the second trending thing in the industry. Everyone has started believing in AI-based marketing strategies. As per the digital marketing statistics 2022, almost sixty to seventy percent of the contents go unused. AI (Artificial Intelligence) may help us to reconsider these contents.

You may be unaware of this, but major publications like the Washington Post are using AIs to produce templated content, but one thing is sure no AI services create quality content or long articles, but that day is not so far away.

After content marketing and artificial intelligence (AI), the third-largest trend in digital marketing is employee activation. AI can tell us what to create and what not to, but the best storytellers of any company are their existing employees. Every business needs such types of employees who are creators and efficient distribution channels to distribute content.

Few things we need to clarify about that content marketing strategy is not going anywhere, at least for this time, but what shows the power of digital marketing and how we can approach digital marketing goals in 2022, matter a lot.


AI-powered Technology (Marketing and Support)

Whatever is possible through AI is going to expand in the digital marketing world. Moreover, experts are expecting an exponential leap in the coming few years. Chatbots can take the place of customer service agents, and marketing can become personalized, in which chatbots can interact from person to person, but one thing to note is that machine learning algorithms are complex and are capable of surpassing humans with terrible accuracy. Artificial intelligence has been used in advertising, but it has not achieved that level of creativity that humans possess. Google is taking the help of AI in several objects, one of these is to identify best performing ad designs. This is how AI helps in marketing and support.

Voice Powered Technology

We may have seen how smart speakers work. We may have also seen how Google Assistant works. These things were around for a while, but they have started taking off around 2017-18. Now, people are taking interest in voice-powered devices like Google Home and Amazon Alexa. With the growing demand for voice-powered devices, it is to be estimated that fifty percent of the search queries will be voice-based.

Social Media

Many people think that social media is stagnating, but experts say it has a lot of space to grow. Social media will be a part of human life. Most of the applications we use on our devices are for sharing data with different social media networks. In terms of marketing, this data sharing helps businesses gauge every individual. It further assists businesses in offering products or services based on individuals’ preferences.

Influencer Marketing (IM)

Influencer marketing is growing day by day. It offers a great return on investment (ROI) compared to conventional marketing channels, but some things need to filter out, like the influencers who have fake followers. Therefore, it is better to invest in micro-influencers. The influencers’ power should be measured by their involvement with every follower, not their numbers. Influencer marketing is the power of digital marketing.

Augmented Reality (AR)

This method is used to reach out to customers. It offers a virtual catalog to people via movies, cartoons, or games. Most of the time, we see characters using and reviewing different brands in movies, shows or cartoons, or games. It is augmented reality, not only does it allow users to be aware of brands but make them try them virtually. Therefore, more brands are jumping and using augmented reality for marketing. It makes AR a powerful tool for online marketing.

Videos Marketing (VM)

Videos are the most powerful medium for influencing the audience.  A big increase has been recorded in live streaming for the past few years. Video marketing is showing a great engagement level of consumers. Therefore, it is mandatory to include videos in marketing products or services. Any business may fall behind if it has not implemented this in the early stages of marketing. Video with augmented reality is a good combination to go with. It makes digital marketing powerful.

In simple terms, digital marketing services have the power to enhance business sales on a smaller budget. For customers, it allows them to engage with different brands or businesses. Also, a lot of interaction with customers allows businesses to provide great services or products. Digital marketing ideas are evolving day by day to please customers. We have discussed several things that power digital marketing and predict the digital marketing trends for 2022. From this, we can conclude that the future of digital marketing is exceptional.

If you are looking for professionals that help you set up your business website considering every aspect of digital marketing. Hire US-based JanBask Digital Design (JDD) Services. They have a huge satisfied customer base.

What is AI?

AI stands for artificial intelligence; it is the capability of a computer or a bot to control another computer or bot to perform human-capable tasks using specific algorithms designed by humans.

Who invented AI?

It was invented by John McCarthy.

Are AIs emotionless?

Yes, presently, all AIs are emotionless.