4 Important Steps To Get More Organic Traffic from Google (Infographic)
Small and medium businesses can truly struggle to find a foothold online; after all, how many small business owners have the SEO skills or resources of their larger competitors? Fortunately, there are four important steps anybody can follow to get more organic traffic from Google.
Step one is ensuring your site meets the basic Google requirements of being mobile-friendly, accessible for Google to craw, and with good site speed. From there, invest in keyword research to make sure you’re using the exact search terms your audience is searching for. Next up is optimizing your title, meta description, and URLs, which will all be based on the keywords you’ve found. Then, it’s all about creating compelling content; after all, people might find your site because of your SEO work, but it’s the great content that’ll get them to stay. Learn more tips for making sure Google can crawl each web page on your site — and more — in the graphic below.